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photo of girl driving Hackney Pony at horse show

Open to junior exhibitors under 18 years of age in the Pleasure Driving Pony/Horse, Roadster Pony, Roadster Under Saddle, Pleasure Pony/Horse Under Saddle, Youth Hackney/Harness Combination, Country Pleasure Driving, Pleasure Driving Pony/Horse (Reinsmanship), and Showmanship In-Hand Pony/Horse divisions. By qualifying in local medallion classes, a combination of junior exhibitor and pony may compete in the National Medallion Championship Finals vying for the national title in each division, and scholarship awards.

This program encourages youth involvement with Hackneys as they are acquiring show ring skills, developing friendships and competing for the prestigious title of Youth Medallion National Finalist. A special medallion is awarded to winners of local medallion classes and certificates of qualification are sent to each entry.
The National Final will provide special gifts and events for all participants along with national recognition. 1995 brought the addition of two new divisions, the Roadster Pony Under Saddle and Hackney/Harness Combination Class. Now, the pony that is shown in the Ladies or Amateur division can also compete with the youth, encouraging family participation.

For listings of shows offering the classes or information on adding a class to any horse show, please contact the AHHS office. The National Medallion Championship Finals are held at the UPHA American Royal National Championship in Kansas City, Missouri.

photo of youth in roadster silks standing next to her Hackney Pony at horse show


photo of girl driving Hackney Harness Pony at World's Championship Horse Show
photo of boy driving Hackney Roadster Pony at Royal Winter Fair Horse Show


March 4-8 — UPHA CH 16 Gasparilla Charity — Tampa, FL

March 6-8 — ASAC Spring Classic — Clemson, SC

April 9-12 — JD Massey Classic — Pendleton, SC

April 24-27 — Des Moines Springfest —Des Moines, IA

May 7-10 — Bonnie Blue National — Lexington, VA

May 14-17 — UPHA Chapter V — Lake St. Louis, MO

May 22-25 — Madison Classic — Madison, WI

Sept. 11-14 — Wisconsin Futurity — Madison, WI


March 4-8

UPHA CH 16 Gasparilla Charity

Tampa, FL

March 6-8

ASAC Spring Classic

Clemson, SC

April 9-12

JD Massey Classic

Pendleton, SC

April 24-27

Des Moines Springfest

Des Moines, IA

May 7-10

Bonnie Blue National

Lexington, VA

May 14-17

UPHA Chapter V

Lake St. Louis, MO

May 22-25

Madison Classic

Madison, WI

Sept. 11-14

Wisconsin Futurity

Madison, WI


Statement of Philosophy: The purpose of the American Hackney Horse Society Foundation’s Scholarship Program is to provide a scholarship to an incoming freshman college student who demonstrates financial need, a commitment to the Hackney industry, and academic success.


The American Hackney Horse Society Foundation Scholarship will be awarded to high school graduates on the basis of submitted evidence of academic success, financial need, extracurricular activities (including community service), involvement with Hackney Horses and/or Ponies, and personal references. An interview may also be required.


Completed application, reference letters and a photo suitable for publication must be received by July 15th of the year in which the applicant will be an incoming freshman college student.


Note: See checklist on application. The $2,500.00 scholarship money administered by the American Hackney Horse Society Foundation will be paid directly to the institution, university, or college for educational expenses.


A scholarship will be awarded one time only to any individual. All information submitted with the application will be held in strict confidence. No application will be returned and the decision of the Scholarship Selection Committee shall be final.


Download AHHS Foundation Scholarship Application (PDF)


All applications should be sent to:


American Hackney Horse Society Foundation, Inc.

c/o Nicole Laver


Call Nicole at 859-462-7228 with questions.

The 'DRIVING SPIRIT" Joe Crawford Harrod" Memorial Grant

photo of Joe Crawford Harrod driving Hackney Roadster Pony at the World's Championship Horse Show


Applications for the Joe Crawford Harrod Memorial Grant are now being accepted! Please complete and email your application to sueharrod90@gmail.com before the July 15, 2022 deadline.


Driving Spirit, the Joe Crawford Harrod Memorial Grant, has been established to support active youth members of the American Hackney Horse Society, aged 18-28, with a desire to develop their horsemanship and showmanship skills. Funds may be used for equine industry educational programs, internships or any show horse industry program/career endeavor(*). The grant will be awarded annually, in an amount up to $2,500.


* Potential use, within the spirit of the Grant, is unlimited and may include:

  • Announcer
  • Equitation/Riding or Driving Instructor
  • Farrier
  • Harness Saddlery Maker
  • Judge
  • Photographer/Videographer
  • Reporter/Writer — Industry Publications
  • Ringmaster
  • Show Steward
  • Show Manager
  • Show Secretary
  • Trainer/Assistant Trainer
  • Veterinary/Medical/Equine Therapy



  • Must be an active member of the American Hackney Horse Society
  • May be an amateur or professional
  • Must participate in the show horse industry
  • Grant is open to Hackney, Saddlebred, Morgan, and Road Horse participants (limited to 2 lifetime grant awards).



The intention of the grant is to recognize and support an individual who portrays the characteristics and traits that Joe Crawford Harrod strived for and pursued.


Applicant must demonstrate:

  • Excellent Sportsmanship
  • Value of Camaraderie & Friendship
  • Value of Teamwork & Confidence Building
  • Care and Compassion for Ponies/Horses


To apply for the Grant:

Along with at least 2 recommendations from active participants in the show horse industry, the applicant must submit a written essay and/or a 2-3 minute video outlining:

  • Program, school, internship, work-study, or other show horse activity for which the applicant will use the Grant Funds
  • Purpose for applying for the Grant Funds
  • Goals the applicant will achieve by the use of the Grant Funds.
  • Amount the applicant is requesting (up to $2,500)
  • Contact Information (address, phone, e-mail)



If you would like to contribute to the Joe Crawford Harrod Memorial Grant Fund with a gift of any size, you may donate online by clicking here or via check to the American Hackney Horse Society Foundation. Please specify Joe Crawford Harrod Memorial Grant Fund as the program to which you would like to donate. Your contribution is fully tax-deductible.

photo of girl making victory pass with Hackney Roadster Pony under saddle at World's Championship Horse Show
photo of girl driving Hackney Roadster Pony to Bike at World's Championship Horse Show
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